Thursday, September 22, 2016



U.N.D.I.E.S (UNified Diversity In Evangelical Services) 

The Unified Diversity In Evangelical Services (U.N.D.I.E.S.) is a local organization representing the cooperative activities between all three of Canker Shores Churches:

One Way Baptist Church.
Stoically serving the town of Canker Shores since 1892.
(It is the opinion of this writer that One Way is the appropriate name for this body of believers, as they continue to hold service and activities in the same way as they have for the last 112 years, since the church's humble beginnings in the living room of Elder Simon Bledsoe. To the casual attendee, it would appear that the church's unspoken creed is, "We've never done it that way before, so why change now?")

Our Lady of Absolute Absolution.
Boasting a 24 hour confessional open 12 - 2pm daily, Mon-Fri.
On a seperate note:
The Boy Scout Troop, which formerly met at the Catholic Church, is now meeting in the Recreation Therapy Hall adjacent to the Healing Hearts counseling center.

Ton-o-Tongues Pentacostal Church.
Note: To the pranksters who re-arranged the letters in last weeks "Bar-B-Q Potluck" sign to read "Pre-K Boat Club," stop it. You caused an unnecessary amount of confusion for the
MOPS group. You, who know who you are, should be aware that we (the TRULY spirit filled)
are going to pray for Conviction of Sin, and your subsequent Chatisement.

U.N.D.I.E.S will meet on Tuesday nights, in the Bingo room at Our Lady of Absolute Absolution, beginning Oct 4th, at 7:00pm to discuss the upcoming Fall Harvest Festival, Turkey Gobbler-ama Auction, and the annual Nativity scene site.

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